Angel Falls in Venezuela

    Angel Falls is one of the top tourist place which is known for world’s highest waterfalls. The height of waterfalls is 979 m / 3,212 ft and a thrust of 807 m / 2,647 ft. It is located in the Canaima National Park which is a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Gran Sabana region of Bolivar State in Venezuela.
    The altitude of the falls is small that before getting anywhere near the ground, the water is atomized by strong winds and changed into mist. The mist can be felt a mile away. The bottom of the falls feeds into the Kerep River which is also called as Rio Gauya which flows into the Churun River, a tributary of the Carrao River.

    Angel Falls is called Kerepakupai meru in the native Pemon language meaning "waterfall of the deepest place". The falls are sometimes referred to as Churun-meru, an error which is the name of another waterfall in the Canaima National Park. Churun in the Pemon language means "thunder".

    Sir Walter Raleigh described what a tepuy or table top mountain was, and he is discovered Angel Falls, but these claims are considered "far-fetched". They were spotted in 1912 by the Venezuelan explorer Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, but he did not publicize his discovery. They were not known to the outside world until American aviator Jimmie Angel flew over them on 16 November 1933 on a flight while he was searching for a valuable ore bed.

    Returning on October 9, 1937, Angel tried to land his Flamingo monoplane "El Rio Caroni" atop Auyan-tepui, but the plane was got stuck and he wasn't able to take off. Angel and his three companions his wife, Mr. Henry, and Henry's gardener were descend the tepui on foot. It took them 11 days to make their way back to civilization, but news of their adventure spread, and waterfall was named "Angel Falls" in his honor. Angel's plane remained on top of the tepuy for 33 years before being lifted out by helicopter. It was restored at the Aviation Museum in Maracay and now sits outdoors on the front of the airport at Ciudad Bolivar.

    A trip to the Angel Falls is not a simple affair. The falls are located in an isolated jungle region of Venezuela, and a flight from Caracas or Ciudad Bolivar is required to reach Canaima camp which is the starting point of river trips to the base of the falls.

    It is probable to buy a package that includes an aerial flyby of the falls. The falls cannot be seen on cloudy days, and there is no guarantee visitors will see them. River trips generally take place from June to December, when the rivers are deep enough for the wooden curiaras used by the Pemon Indian guides. During the dry season December to March there is less water seen than in the other months.

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Angel Falls in Venezuela

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Colosseum in the city of Rome

    The Colosseum is the famous tourist spot in the center of the city of Rome in Italy visited by millions of visitors annually. It is also called as Roman Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre which is derived from Latin word Amphitheatrum Flavium. It is an elliptical amphitheatre which is the largest ever built in Roman Empire and greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering.
    The Colosseum a site just east of the Roman Forum, its construction started between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and was completed in 80 AD under Titus, with further modifications being made during Domitians reign on 81–96. The name "Amphitheatrum Flavium" derives from both Vespasians and Titus family name Flavius, from the gens Flavia. The building was remodeled further under Vespasian's younger son, the newly designated Emperor Domitian, who constructed the hypogeum, a series of underground tunnels used to house animals and slaves. He also added a gallery to the top of the Colosseum to increase its seating capacity.

    The hypogeum was connected by underground tunnels to a number of points outside the Colosseum. Animals and performers were brought through the tunnel from nearby stables, with the gladiators' barracks at the Ludus Magnus to the east also being connected by tunnels. Separate tunnels were provided for the Emperor and the Vestal Virgins to permit them to enter and exit the Colosseum without needing to pass through the crowds.

    The Colosseum is an entirely free-standing structure. It derives exterior and interior architecture from two Roman theatres back to back which is elliptical in plan and is 189 meters / 615 ft / 640 Roman feet long and 156 meters / 510 ft / 528 Roman feet wide, with a base area of 6 acres / 24,000 m2. The height of the outer wall is 48 meters / 157 ft / 165 Roman feet. The perimeter originally measured 545 meters / 1,788 ft / 1,835 Roman feet. The central arena is an oval 287 ft long and 180 ft wide, surrounded by a wall 15 ft high, above which rose tiers of seating. The outer wall is estimated to have required over 100,000 cubic meters / 131,000 cu yd of travertine stone which were set without mortar held together by 300 tons of iron clamps.
    The Colosseum is Capable of seating 50,000 spectators, was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The building ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for such purposes as housing, workshops, quarters for a religious order, a fortress, a quarry, and a Christian shrine. It has been estimated that about 500,000 people and over a million wild animals died in the Colosseum games.

    In 21st century it resides partially ruined because of break caused by earthquakes and stone-robbers. The Colosseum is an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome and its breakthrough achievements in earthquake engineering. It has close connections with Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchlit "Way of the Cross" procession that starts around the Colosseum. The Colosseum is also represented on the Italian version of five-cent euro coin.

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Colosseum in the city of Rome

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    Setelah lama ditunggu-tunggu oleh para penggemar setianya, akhir blogger/blogspot menerbitkan juga comment box atau kotak komentar yang langsung muncul berada dibawah postingan. Kalau dulu hanya berupa link "Post a Comment", maka yang sekarang lain, yg sekarang kotak komentarnya langsung muncul persis dibawah postingan (seperti kotak komentar dibawah ini). Dengan adanya kotak komentar yang seperti ini, akupun rela mengganti kotak komentarku yang dulu (haloscan) dengan comentbox yang ini. Walaupun kotak komentar ini masih dalam draft tapi sudah bisa dinikmati.

    Begini nih cara membuat kotak komentar blogger yang berada dibawah postingan.

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    Credits: Tips Trik Blog

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Bristol Blue

    To Bristol for the weekend to stay at Golding Lodge (four stars).
    (oops, sorry John - in response to your query the towels were very fluffy and all was perfect it only needed Sean Bean to be serving breakfast to have had an upgrade to five stars - perhaps it is something you could work on.....?)

    In Bristol graffiti starts out as vandalism and turns into a work of art (the Banksy exhibition attracted 300, 000 visitors) only to be vandalised in turn.

    Of course this chap should really be hiding his face, but that would, presumably, lead to disaster.

    Bristol is an elegant, vibrant and fascinating city - and here we are - the dynamic trio, well wrapped up and eagerly setting out to play our part in supporting the local economy.

    We looked at a lot of art.........

    we dined in a Cowshed, and we drank a great many absolutely delicious champagne cocktails (thank you John)....

    in truth we really did let our hair down.............. and I am not sure we ever stopped talking

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Bristol Blue

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Series Boys (32) Ashtin Agony (16 years)


    Ashtin Agony

    Hey, I'm a kid trying to get my e-net life on, my facebook name is Dylan Boston.

    I am going by Ashtin Agony.
    If you could post these on your website I would love you forever.
    love Ashtin A.

    Birthday:02 June 1993
    City: Pawleys Island, SC


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Series Boys (32) Ashtin Agony (16 years)

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    There are few who know me who have been spared tales of my affection for the city of Milwaukee. Back in the day, when my friends were spending their summer vacations in exotic places like Greece or even California, I would spend mine with my grandparents in the Cream City.

    To this day I look forward to our all too infrequent trips 90 miles to the north. And I dread the thought that yet another of my favorite haunts up there will have disappeared since the last time I visited.

    Today on my annual birthday visit with my family, we sadly discovered that the Harry Schwartz bookshops have closed. At this point it's clear to say that I am clearly not up to snuff on all things Milwaukee as it turns out that the stores announced their closing last January. The Downer Street shop, as well as a suburban location have re-opened under new names, having been taken over by former Schwartz managers. Happily the Downer shop, now under the ownership of Daniel Goldin has not changed significantly under the new ownership and hopefully it will retain its position as the anchor of a very wonderful little urban enclave under the new name, Boswell Book Company. I wish them good luck.

    Thankfully my favorite restaurant in the world, Karl Ratzsch's, is still alive and well Downtown. The taste of the liver dumpling soup always brings to mind my father and his love of the stuff which he passed on to his son. While my own son wouldn't touch it, it turns out that my carnivorous little daughter loved it, and this little bit of heaven should live on for at least another generation.

    From what I could tell, the economy has hit the city pretty much as it has hit Chicago, as evidenced by ever more empty storefronts. But times change everywhere and resilient Milwaukee will be just fine.

    It was good to be back, I promise not to be gone so long next time.

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    Some serious harassment of a Cooper's Hawk by several crows, Rogers Park, Saturday, November 28, 2009.

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Janel Marie Cool Hair

    Just browsing through youtube on a bored day I came across some awesome makeup tutorial by one Janel Mariee. This girl has got the raddest scene hair I have seen in a long time.

    Check it out!
    Black hair with purple and blue streaks and some coontails

    Bright blue hairstyle

    Awesome green hair

    Beautiful turquoise blue with yellowy green streaks.

    This girl has amazing hairstyles and great video tutorials on youtube like this one about doing your makeup (especially the eyes) like Audrey Kitching:

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Janel Marie Cool Hair

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Dye Black Hair Blonde

    A guide to removing black hair dye.

    Ok, so many of us have gone ahead and dyed our hair a jet black and yes it looks absolutely awesome but over time you get the feeling that you need a change. Perhaps now you want to go completely blonde so that you can then add some coontails in blue or maybe some pink streaks here and there.

    Any of you who have ever dyed your hair black before will know how hard it is to get rid of the black hair color without completely ruining and destroying your hair. Black hair dye is the hardest to remove of all hair dyes as it penetrates the hair shaft very deeply. As tempting as it is to use a 40 vol peroxide to bleach the black away you may end up looking like Homer Simpson with 2 strands of hair left on your head or a completely fried mop that falls off in your hands.

    The best product to use is L'Oreal Color Zap. You can buy this product at general beauty stores or online. This product is ideal and made specifically for removing permanent hair color from your hair, it is a hair stripper, it does contain some bleach in order to do what it is meant to do.

    Follow the instructions on the box and do not condition your hair. Your hair should now be a medium brassy orange. Not a nice color I know but it gets better.

    Now it is time to bring out the bleach. Make sure you only use a 20 vol or 30 vol peroxide. Add to your hair as per instructions and rinse thoroughly. You may need to do the bleaching process twice to get to the platinum blonde stage.

    For a tutorial on how to get platinum blonde hair go here: Bleach Hair Blonde

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Dye Black Hair Blonde

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Festspielhaus an opera house in Bayreuth

    The Bayreuth Festspielhaus is an opera house north of Bayreuth in Germany. It is also called as Bayreuth Festival Theater which is dedicated to the performance of operas by the 19th-century German composer Richard Wagner. It is the special venue for the annual Bayreuth Festival, for which it was specifically conceived and built.

    FestspielhausThe plan was done by Wagner, without the architect's permission, from an unrealised project by Gottfried Semper for an opera house in Munich, and built under Wagner's supervision. Its construction was funded principally by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. The foundation stone was laid on 22 May 1872 which is Wagner's birthday. The building was first opened for the premiere of complete four-opera cycle of Der Ring des Nibelungen means The Ring of the Nibelung, from August 13, 1876 to August 17, 1876.

    Festspielhaus TheaterOnly the entry facade exhibits the typical late-19th-century decoration, while the remainder of the exterior is modest and shows mostly undecorated brick stone. The interior is mainly wood, which contributes to the excellent acoustics. Unlike the traditional opera house design with several tiers of seating in a horse-shoe shaped auditorium. The seats are arranged in a single steeply-shaped wedge, with no galleries or boxes and capacity is 1,925.

    The most eminent and important aspect of the Festspielhaus is its extraordinary orchestra pit. It is recessed under the stage and covered by hood so that the orchestra is invisible to audience. This feature was concern for Wagner since it made the audience focus on drama onstage rather than the action of conductor and musicians. The design also corrected the stability of volume between singers and orchestra, making perfect acoustics for Wagner's operas, which are the only operas performed at Festspielhaus. This arrangement has also made it most challenging for the worlds best conductors.

    The Festspielhaus also features a dual proscenium, which gives audience the illusion that stage is further away. The dual proscenium and the recessed orchestra pit create, in Wagner's term a "mystic gulf" between audience and stage. This gives a dreamlike character to performances and provides a physical reinforcement of the mythic content of most of Wagners operas.

    The Festspielhaus remains the venue of the annual Bayreuth Festival, during which Wagner's operas, such as the Ring cycle and Parsifal, are given on a repertory basis.

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Festspielhaus an opera house in Bayreuth

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Antelope Canyon in Arizona

    Antelope Canyon is one of the most-visited and snapped slot canyons in the American Southwest. It is located on Navajo land near Page in Arizona. Antelope Canyon includes two separate, photogenic slot canyon sections, referred to individually as Upper Antelope Canyon or Crack and Lower Antelope Canyon or Corkscrew.

    Antelope Canyon was formed by erosion of Navajo Sandstone, due to flash flooding and other sub-aerial processes. Rainwater runs into extensive basin above the slot canyon sections, picking up speed and sand as it rushes into the narrow passageways. Over time the passageways are eroded away, making the corridors deeper and smoothing hard edges in such a way as to form characteristic 'flowing' shapes in the rock.

    The name for Upper Antelope Canyon is Tse bighanilini, which means "the place where water runs through rocks." It is the most frequently visited by tourists, due to two reasons. First, its entrance and entire length are at ground level, no need to climb. Second direct sunlight radiating down from openings in the top of the canyon is much more common in Upper than in Lower. Sunlight beams occur most often in the summer months.

    Lower Antelope Canyon, called Hasdeztwazi, or "spiral rock arches" by the Navajo, is located a few kilometers away. Prior to the fitting of metal stairways, visiting the canyon required climbing along ladders in certain areas. After fitting of stairways, it is more difficult hike than Upper Antelope it is longer, narrower in spots, and even footing is not available in all areas. At the end, the climb out requires several flights of stairs.

    Antelope Canyon is a source of tourism business for the Navajo Nation. It has been accessible by permit only since 1997, when the Navajo Tribe made it a Navajo Tribal Park. Photography within the canyons is difficult due to the wide exposure range made by light reflecting off the canyon walls.

    Despite these limitations, Lower Antelope Canyon draws a considerable number of photographers, though casual sightseers are much less common there than in Upper. The lower canyon is in the shape of a "V" and shallower than the Upper Antelope. Lighting is better in the early hours and late afternoon.

    Antelope Canyon is visited through guided tours, because rains during monsoon season can rapidly flood the canyon. On August 12, 1997, eleven tourists, including seven from France, one from the United Kingdom, one from Sweden and two from the United States, were killed in Lower Antelope Canyon by a flash flood. The lone survivor of the flood was tour guide Francisco "Poncho" Quintana, who had prior swift-water training. At the time, the ladder system consisted of amateur-built wood ladders that were swept away by the flash flood. At the fee booth, a NOAA Weather Radio from the National Weather Service and an alarm horn are stationed.

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Antelope Canyon in Arizona

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One Piece Chapter 565

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One Piece Chapter 565

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Naruto Chapter 473

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Naruto Chapter 473

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