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One Piece Chapter 607 (English)
Credits: Aohige and Mr. Prince
Status: Confirmed
Cover is Franky riding a horse-bike and racing a horse
Chapter 607: 10,000M Under the Sea
Captain van der Decken and his crew, the Straw Hats, Surume, Wadatsumi, all are panicking as the volcano erupts
Surume carries Sunny on its back, and Wadatsumi carries the Flying Dutchman in his hands
Surume and Wadatsumi start fleeing
Luffy: But I want to see the eruption!
Volcano erupts
The strawhats are flung around all over Sunny, and the magma is coming down in the sea
Chopper: aw!! AW!!! it's hot!!
Wadatsumi is blown away, Surume runs from the magma
Sanji: Nami-san, where's Fishman Island? (after asking, he nosebleeds)
Nami: A little more!! Towards that trench!!
Surume runs along the cliff wall in the pitch darkness
Chopper: It's so hot!! hooot...
Usopp (crying): This is too scary~!! I know we're gonna encounter a monster out here!
Luffy: Jump in, Surume~~~!!!!
Surume jumps in
Another eruption. This time avalanche of debris (rocks) comes falling on them
Zoro: I'm gonna exit the bubble and cut them!
Robin stops him
Usopp: Hissatsu!! Green Star!!
Massive vegetation grows to the cliff walls, and stops the avalanche of debris
Surume takes this chance to run, everyone's complimenting Usopp
But right then, a rock hits Surume, and they all fall
10,000 meters under the sea (bottom of the trench)
It's unbelievably bright for being in the depth
Nami says the log pose points at the island ahead, that is..... Fishman Island!!
Fishman Island is covered in a large bubble.
Surume and SH are cheering, Sanji imagines the marmaid princess and falls down due to excessive nosebleed
Luffy says he wants to eat Fishman Island dishes
Nami askes Luffy to order Surume to find the entrance
A voice rings through, and Surume throws Sunny
Hammond, a fighter of the New Fishman Pirates appear riding a sea monster
Hammond asks if they will join them as underlings, or not
Luffy: Hell no! Idiots!
Chapter 607: 10,000m under the sea
Cover art is Franky riding a mecha-horse, racing against a mustang (wild horse)
The volcano erupts, and they fall into a deep trench
Rubbles and rocks are flying their way, but it's time for Usopp to shine and stop them
Right before they get to the Fishman Island, the "New Fishman Pirates" Hammond blocks their way
Hammond demands they either join them or sink to the depth
Luffy of course rejects him
They prepare to Coup de Burst the Sunny and jump into FI
While Franky steers the ship, Usopp supplies him
van der Decken and co got caught in the eruption and got lost
Surume got scared of Hammond and a sea monster and ran away
Right as the volcano is about to erupt, van der Decken orders Ankoro and Wadatsumi to steer the ship and run
Luffy speaks to Nami, and tries to tell Surume to get further away, but Surume is already darting the hell out of there lol
The volcano erupts right after this
Magma is flowing through, and due to the temperature difference the currents are starting to become swirls,
but the Strawhats got away just in nick of time into a trench, and head further into the depth
As the Sunny jumps into the trench, rocks come raining on them
Zoro tells Luffy to hang on tight, he'll cut them, but Robin stops him.
This is a layer where the water pressure would crush them
Usopp uses his Green Star Sargasso to stop them, but some of the rocks got through and hit Surume who wasn't paying attention, and knocked him out
They fall further into the depth...
They finally reach 10,000m under the sea (the bottom of the trench)
They arrive at Fishman Island, surrounded by a massive bubble.
Sanji nosebleeds again lol
Surume was already tamed and used by the Fishmen, and even larger sea monsters surround him
New Fishman Pirate crew (not captain) Hammond shows up. A pike eel (hamo in Japanese) fishman.
He tells Luffy we don't knwo if you're a foe or friend, but join us or else sink to the bottom of the sea.
The Strawhats decide to Coup de Burst out of the situation
"Alright, maximum Coup de Burst ready!"
Hammond: Alright, now decide to become our underling!! Strawhat Luffy!!
Luffy: Heeell no!! Morons!
This week end here.
The reason why they don't know if he's enemy or foe is because strickly in case of how they dealt Arlong, they consider him enemy.
But then they also consider him possibly friendly, because he helped Hachi and knocked out a Tenryuubito, just like Fisher Tiger did.
So they are confused what to make of Luffy, I guess.
S/N- According to the preview, the next issue is a double issue meaning there would be a one week break for all Shonen Manga , so a one week break after chapter 608.
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