Here I am telling you about Photoshop Chemical Model Molecule Trick Tutorial
[1]-Firs of all Open New Document of Custom size, Height & Width 500×500 pixels,Resolution 72 & Mode RGB Color
[2]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of Elliptical Marquee Tool
[3]-Now fill the selection with any color & then go to Blending Options,select ‘Outer Glow’ & use the following settings
Photoshop Techniques-How to use the Outer Glow features
[4]-Now select Gradient Overlay & use the following settings
[5]-Now select Stroke Structure & apply the following settings
[6]-Now your image should look like as shown below
[7]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool
[8]-Now fill the selection with ‘fffffa’ color & then go to Blending Options,select Gradient Overlay
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Gradient Overlay features
[9]-Now your image should look like as shown below & then create the following selection with the help of Pen Tool
[10]-Now Open New Layer & then fill the selection with ‘1c88c9′ color & your image should look like as shown below
[11]-Now make the Group Folder with the help of Click on following Button which is indicating by Hand sign & adjust the
Layers.Your Layer Pallete should look like as shown below
[12]-Now right click on Group,select ‘Convert to Smart Object’
[13]-Now Decrease the Size with the help of Ctrl+T & your image should look like as shown below
[14]-Now make the the Duplicate Layer of “Smart Object” with the help of Ctrl+T & adjust with the help of Move Tool &
your image should look like as shown below
[15]-Now Just like that Create the other Buttons of Different color with same Technique & your image should look like as
shown below
[16]-Now make the Duplicate Layer with the help of Ctrl+J & then create the following adjustment with the help of Move Tool
[17]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of ‘Pen Tool’
[18]-Now fill the selection with any color & then go to Blending Options,select Gradient Overlay & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Gradient Overlay features
[19]-Now select Stroke Structure & use the following settings
[20]-Now your image should look like as shown below & after that create the following selection with the help of “Polygonal
Lasso Tool”
[21]-Then fill the selection with ‘ebebeb’ color & your image should look like as shown below
[22]-Now Open New Layer & then create the following selection with the help of Polygonal Lasso Tool
[23]-Now fill the selection with any color & then go to Blending Options,select Gradient Overlay & use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-How to use the Gradient Overlay features
[24]-Now select Stoke Structure & use the following settings
[25]-Now like this create the others
Thanks for read this Photoshop Tutorial.I hope U have learnt some Photoshop Techniques & the Final Output of this tutorial
is shown below
adobe photoshop drawing
adobe photoshop effects
adobe photoshop text effects
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→Photoshop Chemical Model Molecule Trick
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