Hello and welcome to another tutorial by the hv-designs team, in this tutorial il show you how to create a neat little patch, as in a patch on some clothes. We’l be creating everything from scratch, the material texture, stitches even a safety pin.
Right lets get started the first thing you need to do is create a document 3 times bigger as you want it, im just using 600×200 pixels for the purpose of this tutorial so i would start with 1800×600 pixels. Double click your background layer to unlock it. Doing this will allow you to add layer styles to the background layer. Add the gradient overlay and the settings in the image below.
create a new a layer above your background layer called texture. Fill this layer with a greyish color #808080. Press D on the keyboard to reset your background and forground colors. Now goto “filter > pixelate > color halftone” use the settings below.
You should have something like this. (dont get dizzy).
Now goto “filter > sketch > chalk and charcoal” use settings below.
You should have something like this.
Now goto “image > image size” and re-size your image to what you wanted in the 1st place in my case 600×200 pixels. Then goto “image > adjustments > brightness/contrast” change your brightness to -100. Also set your layer blending mode to overlay. You should hopefully have something like this.
Select the color #505050 and create two in rectangles within the canvas area, this is best done with the rectangle tool using stroke path with a 1pixel brush. (NOT RECTANGULAR MARQUEE TOOL).
Add this drop shadow to your two inner rectangle lines.
With the rectangular marquee tool make a small selection that covers both lines then hit the delete key, move the selection across then hit the delete key, do this all the way around when your finished you should have something like this.
Create a new layer above the rest and fill with the color black, reset your forground and background colors with the letter D on your keyboard. Goto “filter > render > clouds” set the clouds layer to overlay with an opacity of 50%. You should have something like this.
Select the rounded rectangle tool and the color #d6c8ae, with a radius of 10 pixels drag out a small - medium rectangle.
Click your layer with the rectangle on whilst holding down the CTRL key this should load a selection. Goto “filter > noise > add noise” enter 3% in the amount and make sure uniform and monochromatic are selected. Using the lasso tool make a crazy selection like this.
Goto “select > inverse” then hit the delete key you should be left with something like this.
To make finer rips like i have in the corner, use the “polygonal lasso tool” after you have complete the steps above. Download some crack brushes (ive had mine for a while and cant remember where i got them from) theres plenty around the internet so shouldnt be hard to find. Add some cracks to your patch, set layer opacity to 25%. Apply them using the color #9b9281.
Now you need to add your stitches to your patch, do this in the same way we did our background stitches but only use one rectangle, try and leave a few missing as we’ll be adding loose bits of cotton and our saftey pin.
Where your stiches are missing use the type tool and add some periods (….), also use the pen tool to create swirly bits of loose cotton.
For the saftey pin select the rounded rectangel and create a small rectangle. Right click with the pen tool and goto stroke path. We only need the outline for this.
Using the elliptical marquee tool create a cirlce at one end of the rectangle, use the rubber or the rectangular marquee tool to cut out a peice of the outline.
Add these layer styles to your pin.
Move your need into one of the corners where you have threads missing. Where we cut part of the saftey pin away add two lines at each end, these will look like small creates where the pin has gone through the fabric (shown in red) Its hard to see close up but when u look at 100% they are visable.
Thats it all done, hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial. dont forget to subscribe to out twitter & RSS.
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→Cloth Patch & Stitches
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