by: Ohana - 2Ch/vered - NF
Credits: On3word
Stauts: Confirmed
Translation by: Ohana - 2Ch
Status : Confirmed
by: Sys - NF
Tag : NARUTO, Naruto 470, Naruto 470 Spoiler, Naruto 470 raw, Naruto 470 Predictions, Naruto Manga 470, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 470 Spoilers, Naruto 470 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 470, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 470, Bocoran Naruto 470, Naruto 470 Wordpress, Naruto 470 English, Naruto 470 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 470 Read Online, Naruto 470 Download, Naruto 470 Bahasa Indonesia, Naruto 470 Onemanga, Naruto 470 Mangahelpers.
Keep in touch for Next NARUTO, Naruto 471, Naruto 471 Spoilers, Naruto 471 RAWs, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 471, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 471, Naruto 471 Predictions, Naruto 471 Wordpress, Naruto 471 Blogspot, Naruto 471 English, Naruto 471 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 471 Read Online, Naruto 471 Download, Naruto 471 Bahasa Indonesia, Bocoran Naruto 471, Naruto 471 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto 471 Narutofan, Naruto 471 Narutocentral.
by: Ohana - 2Ch/vered - NF
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Source: NFCredits: On3word
Stauts: Confirmed
I'll try my best to translate this into parts.
Part 1:
Naruto's exasperation toward Sakura's confession!!
470 キラービーVS鬼鮫!!
470: Killer Bee Vs Kisame!!
雪降る中、無言のカカシ ヤマト リー キバ
Kakashi, Yamato, Lee, and Kiba in silence, as the snow is falling
Sakura: I...are you saying I'm lying to myself?
Naruto with an ambiguous face: ...
サクラ『自分の本心は自分が決める!!私が嫌いなら正直にいえばいい!!勝手な言い訳う作るく らいな』
Sakura: You have to decide what your true feelings are!! If you hate me then be straightforward about it!! Don't make selfish excuses.
サクラの会話を途切るようにナルト『だっておかしいだろ!そんな事をわざわざこんなところまで !』
Interrupting Sakura while talking, Naruto: That's why it's strange! To say something like that until now!
Sakura: that!?
Sakura talking on and on: That something--a girl's confession--do you think this is something to take lightly!?
わざわざ こんなところまでって!?
And until now!?
I came all the way here for that!
アンタはサスケくんサスケくんって いつもサスケくんを追いかけて危ない目にあうばっかり!
You and Sasuke, Sasuke, it's always you chasing after Sasuke and getting yourself into danger.
私はね…! そんな危ない目にあってまでサスケくんなんか追っかけなくていいって言ってんの!
As the Jinchuuriki of the 9-tails, you're a target of Akatsuki! Why don't you worry a bit for yourself! You know, I...I'm saying it would be better if you stop getting into trouble and quit chasing after Sasuke.
今すぐ里へ帰って来てほしいからアンタを追ってここへ来た! それだけよ!』
I came here to tell you I'd like for you to return to the village now. That's it.
Naruto: I don't hear anything but painful excuses.
サクラ『だからなんで分かんないの!私はもう犯罪者になったサスケくんなんて何とも思ってない !
Sakura: That's what I don't understand! I don't have feelings anymore for the criminal that Sasuke's become.
Naruto: It's not a matter of this promise.
Naruto, whose eye line is dropping: It's about Sasuke wanting to violently take's something I understand, even if just a little...
Kakashi: ...
Naruto: Sasuke loved his family and his clan...if anyone wounded that love, I don't think I could forgive them.
Kiba: If that's the case, why then after defeating Itachi, is Sasuke supporting Akatsuki?
ナルト『そうじゃなかった… 本当は―――』
Naruto: It's not like that...he really---
Kakashi: Naruto!
Naruto: !
Sakura: ?
キバ リー『!!』
Kiba, Lee: !!
Naruto remembers a conversation with Yamato & Kakashi
(いいか マダラの言った事は とりあえずオレ達だけに止めておく
復興に向かう今余計な混乱は避けたい それに話の裏付けが取れるまで信用もできない
(Don't mind what Madara said. For the time being, we'll keep what he said to us. We want to avoid unnecessary conflict. Moreover, until we can find proof to what he said, we can't trust him. To believe that Itachi was used by the uppers in Konoha to kill the Uchiha clan...)
Naruto: Even if that promise to Sakura is gone, it doesn't matter.
Sakura: !
Naruto: I've been thinking that I, myself want to save Sasuke.
Sakura with her eyebrow's raised: ...
Sai watches in silence
Part 2:
Kiba, whispering to Sakura: What should we do Sakura...? Isn't it better if we just tell him like it is?
Lee: !
Footsteps interrupt Sakura and Kiba
Sakura: I've had enough! I'm going back!
Kiba squating: Oh geez...
Akamaru worried: Ku~~~n
Naruto stares at Sakura's back
サクラ『行くわよ!キバ リーさん サイ!』
Sakura: Let's go! Kiba, Lee-san, Sai!
Lee: Sakura-san...
Kiba: Let's go
Naruto watches everyone from behind
サクラ眼をつぶり泣きそう?耐えてる?(ナルト… ごめんね!)
Sakura's eyes closed (looks like she's crying?): (Naruto...I'm sorry!)
Sai looks to the side from the end of his eyes
There's another small team in hiding watching
Kiba: Is this ok Sakura?
サクラ『キバ お願いがあるの』
Sakura: Kiba, I have a favor.
キバ『! 何だ?』
Kiba: ! What?
サクラ『これからすぐにサスケくんを探す! 協力して!』
Sakura: From here I want to search for Sasuke! Please help!
Wind, Lightning, Water, and Earth dispatch from the treetops and are moving.
Kurotsuchi: If we dispose of the Hachibi and Kyubi, Madara's plans won't go as planned and we can weaken the military force of the Cloud and Leaf, killing two birds with one stone right?
Tsuchikage: This time there's no point in doing that.
Kurotsuchi: Why!? You've become a stubborn old man huh.
Tsuchikage recalls Gaara's words: (When did you guys cast yourselves aside?)
Tsuchikage:'s because I remembered...
Kurotsuchi: Remembered what?
Akatsuchi: ?
Tsuchikage: I was before I became stubborn.
Part 3:
You start to see Samehada's true shape from his bandages
Ponta falls: Uguu
Kisame: I didn't get any good shavings from this giant bear.
Sabu-chan wields his axe: Ponta is a raccoon! I'll have you realize my sentiments!
ビーメモ取りながら(情念…こうゆう時に使うのか… よし!オッケー!)
Bee taking notes: ( you use it at a time like this...Alright! Ok!)
Kisame attacks Sabu-chan: You're trying to get in my way huh!
ビー持ってた鉛筆投げる 鬼鮫避ける
Bee throws his pencil, and Kisame avoids it
鬼鮫、ビーに斬りかかる ビー飛んで避ける
Kisame slashes at Bee, but Bee dodges
The pencil he threw sticks into the ground
鬼鮫(雷遁で高周波振動を起こし貫通力をあげた エンピツですか…
風遁以上の貫通力とは たいした超振動… まともに食らえば私でも穴が空きますね)
Kisame: (With a Raiton, he used a high frequency vibration to increase it's power to penetrate. A pencil huh...a piercing ability greater than that of Fuuton...that's some crazy vibration...if I take a hit like that, it will undoubtedly pierce right through me)
Sabu-chan takes this opportunity to slash at Kisame: Yosakukiri!!
Kisame blocks and stops the attack with his sword
Kisame: (He's tracking my movements with a mid-range Raiton using projectile weapons)
Switching to Bee
鬼鮫(しかもそれが振動であり 私を挟むとはね)
Kisame: Moreover, that oscillation, they're trying to place me in-between huh)
Bee goes after Kisame with Raiton flowing through his sword: (With this, two hole~s! I despise you!)
Kisame take the attack, stopping it with his sword
Bee: !?
サブちゃん(どうゆう事だよっ!? ビーの超ビブラート雷遁刀が貫通せんとは!?)
Sabu-chan: (What's going on!? Bee's Super Vibrato Raiton blade didn't pierce!?)
Bee roaring: Uiiii!
He puts on the 8-tails (chakra) form
Bee aims at Kisame: Heddo Hatto* (Eight Headed Sword) (they butt heads)
Sabu-chan: (The form of the Hachibi! Ok! With this he's getting serious!)
Sabu: !
Kisame stops the blow with his head
ビー『…! お前オレのチャクラを…』
Bee: ...! chakra...
恐らくさっきの超ビブラート雷遁刀のチャクラも体に当たる前にチャクラを吸い取ったんだよっ! !
Sabu: Bee! I saw it! That sword! That sword sucks chakra! With that last attack (the super vibrato raiton blade), before you made contact with his body, your chakra was absorbed! That's why it didn't pierce!
You see more and more of Samehada
鬼鮫『アナタのチャクラのタコ味担当気に入ったようですね このままで”鮫肌”が騒ぐのも珍し い
Kisame: Because of the tailed beast your chakra tastes of octopus. At this rate Samehada's going to get overexcited over something this rare...some shavings will do.
お前を… えっと…』
Bee, bumping his left forehead to Kisame's: It's unexpected you'd make such cute eyes♪ Soon you'll be making the eyes of a dead fish♪
Bee separates himself from Kisame
You see more and more of Samehada's form
鬼鮫『干柿鬼鮫 以後お見知りおきを』
Kisame: Hoshigaki Kisame, after this you will recognize that name.
鮫肌が変化… キラービー苦戦!?
Samehada changes...a close match with Killer Bee!?
The End
Translation by: Ohana - 2Ch
Status : Confirmed
Sakura and Naruto have a long-winded conversation
Sakura, Kiba, and Lee form a team and search for Sasuke. (kept secret from Naruto)
Sai watches from the shadow of a tree
Gaara and the other kage's location is drawn in picture* (not sure about this)
Tsuchikage talks about giving up on giving up
Ponta is taken out and Sabu-chan takes hold of his giant sword/axe?
Samehada interferes by aiming for Sabu-chan as well as Bee
Sabu-chan uses an opening to slash
Bee uses an opprotunity to attack, stopping Samehada
Bee is crazy! 8-tails clothes come off.
Sabu-chan knows that Bee is the 8-tails Jinchuuriki
Sabu-chan butts heads with Samehada with his own sword, realizing what it's abilities are and tells Bee
Samehada's bandages come off
Will come back with more tonight
Bee goes wild. The 8-tails shroud appears.
(I'm not sure it would be a shonen manga if bee took his clothes off)
Mr. Shark is tough
The last panel is samehada's outline
by: Sys - NF
Kakashi seems to interrupt Sakura and Naruto and begins to talk about Madara. Karin and sasuke talk about something, but it gives no specifics
It says twice that Sakura cries, though
Demon Shark vs Yao
Sakura "is ... What are you talking about something ... I lie ..."
Naruto "I said ... I damn嬉Shikunee What is such a blatant lie ... I was told if I heard what happened!"
Sakura ". ... ... I say why not! What is it like a reality show!"
"No, it's not like they will always be people to ri times the other hand into the dawn"
"Mr. Ku Sasuke is just down for the count ... more and more terrorists now ..."
"Naruto is now progressing, but ... are you straight before I found different is that everyone is for you"
"I have seen realized in such ... are you closest to their true feelings ..."
Naruto "... Sakura-chan has seen up close and now I know why ..."
"If I heard it happened! Wakeneedaro happy to say that this is a lie!"
Sakura "What are you angry with me ... What is something a lie."
Naruto "Sakura-chan, but now知Ranee Phan How will I swear I do not like Sakura-chan"
Sakura's face shock
Kiba "... ... ..." Gili (sound of teeth grinding)
"Naruto Sasuke'm in sync that we discussed me!"
Naruto "! ... That's Sasuke?"
Lee "Kiba Kimi Hey!僕達is a promise to stay out of any"
Kiba "Shut the hell up! Raging I was just sitting around forever!"
Sakura "Kiba ..."
Naruto "What is that Kiba Sasuke Dattebayo!"
Kiba "we live in a Sasuke"
Sakura "Wait!"
Kiba "!"
Sakura "Kiba please let me tell you something"
Lee "is任Semashita僕達Ms. Kiba Sakura ... you can leave him in at once the end is a man!"
Kiba "... I found a bad chip."
Kiba tumble to the ground (laughs)
Sakura "(thank you ... Kiba ...)"
"... Naruto ... certainly as I say about you is that you are not completely断Chi切Re of the Tsu crush on Sasuke Naruto ... I'm real"
Naruto "... ...!"
Sakura "What I also like the reality show ..."
"Listen well speak slowly from Naruto"
"Sasuke you are a criminal now like I said ... you people had to suffer the revenge of course you Sasuke Sasuke"
"The people disappear like the other day ..."
We recall with little Omoi
That they take care of Sasuke ~
Sakura "... Now when you killed Sasuke ... We will not tolerate a war that eventually spread hate like that!"
"We can not be blind to miss it go to waste is not an ..."
"I talked So ... What should we do synchronization"
Naruto "... ... ..."
Sakura "... we answer to stop you Sasuke results are discussed in our hands because before you Resona Naru Sasuke!"
Naruto "What Phan ... I mean I swear to stop?"
Sakura "is a compelling if you Sasuke ..."
"Will kill"
Naruto "!"
Tag : NARUTO, Naruto 470, Naruto 470 Spoiler, Naruto 470 raw, Naruto 470 Predictions, Naruto Manga 470, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 470 Spoilers, Naruto 470 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 470, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 470, Bocoran Naruto 470, Naruto 470 Wordpress, Naruto 470 English, Naruto 470 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 470 Read Online, Naruto 470 Download, Naruto 470 Bahasa Indonesia, Naruto 470 Onemanga, Naruto 470 Mangahelpers.
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→Naruto 470 Spoiler Pics and Summaries
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