One Piece 629 RAW Pics and Summary

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    Credits: Aohige
    Status: Confirmed

    Chapter 629: A former Shichibukai that stands in the way

    It's storming outside so I'll post little by little in case lights go out
    And also, if any other mods are around if you could work them into the first post.

    cover: Kokoyashi village. Nojiko, the doctor, Gen, and the kid nami saved are in front of Bellemere's grave

    Nami and Chopper tries to mediate between the two, but Luffy hops on Megalo and tries to force his way out.
    But he is stopped by Jinbe's Samegawara-seiken (Shark-tile straight fist). Luffy takes damage despite being rubber.
    Fishman Karate's strength is in its ability to bring the water all around you under your control.
    Because the impact travels from the water in the air into the water in the body, it is impossible to defend.
    Luffy retaliates with a JET Stamp, but Jinbe blocks the attack and asks if this is all he got out of his training.

    "That's enough" Robin suddenly appears between the two.
    The two can't stop right away, and it looks like Robin's in danger
    Sanji (with his eyes heart-shaped) hugs Robin and tries to save her, but Robin suddenly dissapears, and the two smashes into each other, dealing equal blows.
    (T thinks Robin dissapearing was her new move, and she made herself bloom somewhere)
    The fight's over.

    Jinbe talks about the ideology of fishmen. If Luffy, who already defeated Arlong, also defeats Hodi, that may remind the fishmen of the never-changing history of human oppression.
    Sanji asks Hachi, that although Hachi never said who did it, it was probably Hodi that injured Hachi. He then continues that they have a reason to fight them.
    Luffy starts heading out again. Jinbe stops him, and fight starts again.

    Meanwhile, at Ryuuguu Palace
    Hodi ponders about the new inhabitants moving in from the Fishman District.
    He figures they could simply use the houses of those who are leaving the country, or going to be executed.
    "Every single citizens will hate the humans... it'll be a wonderful nation... Jahahaha!"
    Daruma chews off the walls of the Candy Factory, and digs a hole into the ground and heads somewhere

    Scene turns to Zoro & co
    Brook can pull out his soul now (lol)
    "After I learned this new trick.... what do you think I did with it?" Brook says while grinning
    Usopp is jealous. Zoro demands Pappag to bring him one of his swords. "I'll cut them all"
    Pappag runs terrified as Brook's soul chases him

    End of chapter

    - it's like Robin stopped the fight
    - Brooke's soul gets out of his body
    - Brooke sends the Zoro's message to bring one sword to pamppag

    Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Tonyohoho untuk Bocoran One Piece 629 :

    Cover : Desa Kokoyashi. Nojiko, dokter, gen dan bocah yang diselamatkan Nami berdiri di depan kuburan Bellemere

    Nami dan Chopper mencoba menengahi mereka berdua. tapi luffy memegang Megalo dan berusaha menerobos pergi.

    Tapi dia dihentikan Jurus Jinbe "Samegawara-seiken (Shark-tile straight fist)". Luffy menerima damage walaupun dia karet.

    Kekuatan Karate Manusia Ikan adalah kemampuan untuk mengontrol seluruh air di sekelilingmu.
    Karena tubrukan dari lintasan air di udara dan air di tubuh, menjadikannya mustahil untuk ditahan/tangkis.

    Luffy membalas dengan Jet STamp, tapi Jinbe menghentikan serangan itu dan berkata "hanya inikah yang kau dapat dari latihanmu?"

    Robin tiba2 muncul di antara mereka berdua
    Keduanya (Luffy dan Jinbe) tidak bisa berhenti, dan tampak Robin akan berada dalam bahaya

    Sanji (dengan mata berbentuk Love) memeluk robin dan berusaha menyelamatkannya, tapi Robin tiba-tiba menghilang, dan keduanya (luffy dan Jinbe) saling bertubrukan satu sama lain, sama2 kesakitan

    (T berpikir hilangnya Robin adalah Jurus barunya, dia bisa membuat dirinya menghilang tumbuh dimanapun)
    Pertarungan selesai,

    Jinbe berbicara tentang ideologi Manusia Ikan. Jika saja Luffy yang telah mengalahkan Arlong, trus kemudian juga mengalahkan Hodi, mungkin itu malah akan membuat para manusia ikan terus teringat akan penindasan manusia terhadap mereka.
    Sanji bertanya ke Hachi, bahwa walaupun Hachi tidak pernah mengatakan siapa yang melakukannya, mungkin Hodilah yang mencelakai Hachi, dia kemudian melanjutkan karenanya mereka punya alasan untuk bertarung dengan Hodi cs

    Luffy berusaha kabur lagi, Jinbe menghentikannya dan pertarungan dimulai lagi.

    sementara itu, di Istana Ryuugu
    Hodi mempertimbangkan tentang penduduk baru yang akan pindah dari Fishman Distrik

    Dia merasa para penduduk baru cukup menggunakan rumah2 para penduduk sebelumnya yang memilih keluar pulau atau yang akan segera dieksekusi.
    "Setiap penduduk akan membenci manusia... ini akan menjadi negara yang luar biasa.. jahahaha!"

    Daruma mengunyah dinding Pabrik Permen, dan menggali sebuah lubang di tanah, menuju ke suatu tempat.

    Adegan beralih ke Zoro dan kawan2.
    Brook bisa mengeluarkan "Arwah (soul)" dari tubuh kerangka-nya sekarang (huahahaha)
    "Setelah aku mempelajari trik baru ini.. apa yang kalian pikir aku lakukan dengan hal ini?"
    Brook berkata sambil menyeringai
    Usopp iri, Zoro memerintah Puppag untuk membawakannya salah satu pedangnya "Aku akan memotong mereka semua"

    Puppag lari ketakutan dikejar oleh Arwah Brook


    Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ke temanmu yang lain lewat facebook

    hitsuke Thanks

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