Crystal Glowing Text

    Make Crystal Glowing Text

    Step 1 : Open New work document set Width : 800px and Height : 600px. Choose Black Background

    Step 2 : Choose Type Tool > Type theText what do you want > Set Size, Color, and Position Just like picture below

    Step 3 : Double click on the Text at layer tab > Set the FX

    Step 4 : Follow the picture below to set each FX

    • Blending Option Custom : Drop the fill opacity to 0%

    • Inner Shadow

    • Outer Glow

    • Inner Glow

    • Gradient Overlay

    click at the gradient color to set it > Set the Color just like picture below

    • Stroke

    After that press Ok button to see the result and don't forget to Save As .psd Image.

    Click Here to See Part 2 :How to Make the Reflective Text.

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Crystal Glowing Text

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