One Piece 622 Spoiler Pics and Summary

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    One Piece Chapter 622

    Credits: Aohige
    Status: Confirmed

    Chapter 622: Pirates of Sun
    Color cover: Strawhats making various things with blocks (legos?)

    It seems before Tiger assaulted Mariejois, he consulted with Neptune
    Neptune: What in the world did you witness in your latest adventure...!?
    Tiger: I witnessed... human!!

    Hodi gang, 15 years old, learns of the freeing of the slaves from newspaper, and cheers on

    Lot more to come, just outputting as I translate.

    Meanwhile, Pirates of Sun and the Marine clash on the Grand Line
    The marines demand they hand over the former slaves. Tiger asks them if they have proof.
    Tiger decides to rob them of their belongings and food, shatter their will to fight back, and let them go.
    But Arlong kills them calling it an execution

    Meanwhile in Marineford... younger Vice Admiral Kizaru takes note of how troublesome the fishmen are
    Inside the ship of Pirate of Sun, Tiger scolds Jinbe and Arlong
    Tiger tells them to not kill human. He asks them if they want to lower themselves to their level
    Tiger preaches that revenge isn't the answer, freeing the abused is the way.
    He swears they will not kill anyone.
    Arlong argues back, but is smacked down by Jinbe
    Bounty of 230 million for Tiger and 76 million for Jinbe are placed upon.

    Meanwhile, Queen Otohime is busy collecting signatures for petition to live in peace with humans.


    Three years later, on an island...
    A boy who ran away from Mariejois during Tiger's freeing of slaves (his name is Koala. Could be a girl) is on the island.
    (aohige note: Koala talks in a girl's speech, so I'm sure it's a girl)
    Her parents live far away from the island, and the inhabitants of this island can't take him there, so they ask the fishmen pirates.
    They agree to it, but because she's a human, Arlong hits her.
    Koala: I'm sorry! I'll work, I'll do anything, I'll clean without halt... so please, stop hitting me! I'm sorry!!
    No matter what happens, I promise I won't cry... please don't kill me!!
    Jinbe: Are you afraid of us?
    It seems Koala lived the life of a slave long enough to act this way
    Tiger takes her to a room, and overwrites the mark of slavery.
    Koala faints from pain, but he wakes up right away.
    Koala: I'm sorry I fainted!! But please don't kill me if I don't cry.. please!! I'll promise I won't cry no matter what!!
    She forces a smile on her face as she says this, but Tiger stops her.
    Tiger: Then you can CRY all you want!!! Don't take me the same as those trash (Tenryuubito)!!!
    Watch.. we won't kill anyone.
    Tiger throws his gun away into the sea
    Tiger: Let's go, men... I'll make sure and bring her to her homeland!!
    Koala finally sheds tears

    end of chapter

    T says he maybe able to do the next spoiler as early as 5/2, since the next issue is a double-issue, and usually the issue following a double issue ships early
    Volume 62 cover was fishmen island, Luffy is seen with the killifish quintuplets and Camie.
    T's comments
    The chapter gets you teary once you see it with pictures and lines
    Oh, and Jinbe isn't a bad guy. He follows Tiger's commands and ideal
    But Arlong seems to be a trash afterall lol

    Oh wow, unrelated topic, but T just gave ending 5 TOC and next issue info.

    Next issue (after this double issue) is Kochikame on the cover and opening manga, celebrating its 1700th chapter.
    As amazing as that number is, I kinda expected kochikame to be already in 2000+ lol.

    As for the chapter....
    If we are to assume this last part with Koala's introduction is around 13 years ago (3 years after the 16 years ago start), she should be a hottie by now.
    I'd like to see her in present time please (assuming she's even alive).

    Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Tonyohoho untuk Bocoran One Piece 622 :

    Chapter 622: Pirates of Sun
    Color cover: Kelompok topi jerami membuat berbagai macam bentuk dengan Lego

    Tampaknya sebelum Tiger menerobos Mariejoa dia berkonsultasi dengan Neptune
    Neptune: Apa sja yang kau saksikan selama petualanganmu...!?
    Tiger: aku menyaksikan... Manusia!!

    Kelompok Hodi, umur 15 tahun, membaca tentang pembebasan para budak di surat kabar dan bergembira
    Sementara itu , Bajak Laut Matahari bentrok dengan angkatan laut di Grand Line
    Angkatan laut menuntut mereka untuk menyerahkan para budak. Tiger menanyakan mereka tentang bagaimana cara mereka membuktikan mana yang budak dan tidak.
    Tiger merampok harta dan makanan mereka, dan meruntuhkan semangat bertarung mereka. tapi membiarkan mereka pergi. Tapi Arlong membunuh mereka dan menyebutnya sebagai sebuah eksekusi.
    Sementara itu di Markas Besar Angkatan Laut, Laksamana Madya muda Kizaru menerima sebuah catatan tentang betapa bermasalahnya para manusia ikan
    di kapal Bajak Laut Matahari, Tiger memarahi jinbe dan Arlong. dan mengatakan jangan membunuh manusia. Jangan merendahkan diri mereka dan menyamakan diri mereka dengan manusia. Tiger menasehati bahwa Balas dendam bukanlah jawaban, membebaskan yang disalahgunakan adalah caranya (?)
    Dia bersumpah tidak akan membunuh siapapun
    Arlong membantah, tapi dia dibanting oleh Jinbe
    Tiger berharga buronan 230 Juta dan Jinbe 76 Juta

    Sementara itu Ratu Otohime sibuk mengumpulkan tanda tangan untuk hidup damai bersama manusia.

    3 tahun kemudian di sebuah pulau...
    seorang bocah bekas budak yang juga kabur saat Tiger membebaskan para budak di Mariejoa ada disana (namanya Koala, mungkin dia wanita)
    (catatan aohige: Koala bicara dengan gaya perempuan, jadi aku yakin dia perempuan)
    Orang tuanya berada di pulau yang jauh dari situ, dan penduduk di pulau ini tidak bisa membawanya pulang, jadi dia minta bantuan kepada bajak laut matahari
    Mereka setuju, tapi karena dia manusia, Arlong memukulnya.
    Koala: Maaf! aku akan bekerja! aku akan melakukan apa saja! aku akan terus bersih-bersih! ... tapi tolong jangan pukul aku.. MAAF!
    Tidak peduli apapun yang terjadi, aku berjanji untuk tidak menangis.. tolong jangan bunuh aku!
    Jinbe: kau takut pada kami?
    Tampaknya Koala begitu lama menjadi budak sampai bisa berperilaku begitu.
    Tiger membawanya ke sebuah kamar, dan memperbaharui tanda bekas budak pada anak tersebut
    Koala pingsan karena kesakitan, tapi kemudian dia bangun
    Koala: maaf karena telah pingsan!! tolong jangan bunuh aku, aku takkan menangis.. kumohon!! aku bersumpah tidak akan menangis apapun yang terjadi!
    dia memaksakan senyuman di wajahnya saat mengatakan hal tersebut, tapi tiger menghentikannya
    Tiger: maka kau boleh menangis sepuasmu! jangan menganggapku sama dengan sampah sampah itu(Tenryuubito)!!!
    lihat.. kami tidak akan membunuh siapapun!
    Tiger melempar pistolnya ke lautan
    Tiger: ayo semua... aku berjanji akan membawa gadis ini pulang ke kampung halamannya!!
    Koala akhirnya menangis

    akhir chapter

    Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ke temanmu yang lain lewat facebook

    hitsuke Thanks

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