Naruto 511 Spoilers and Summaries

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    Credits: Saladesu
    Status: Confirmed

    Nagato is retrieved via Madara's space-time ninjutsu. Kabuto arrives just as Madara is putting on a new mask.

    "You've gotten a nice pair of eyes, haven't you?"

    "... They were mine to begin with"

    Zetsu gets hold of the scroll from Kisame. Mdara "I'm off to get the Kyuubi"
    In his right hand he is holding something that looks like the bashou (a kind of fiber) fan used by the sennin.

    Translation by SHounenSuki
    The thing with the frogs was Konan's flashback. It's roughly nothing more than that.
    Madara collects Nagato with his space-time ninjutsu. Kabuto is in the place where he puts on his new mask.

    "You obtained some nice eyes, hm"

    "...They were mine to begin with."

    Zetsu is holding Kisame's scroll. Madara: "I'm going to take the Nine-Tails."
    In his right hand he has a fan or something that resembles what the sage was holding.
    Trans for the last pics: "I'm going to get the Nine-Tails"
    Translation for the third pic: Konan: In short, even though the board stays red, if that person is not inside the hideout, it means that he's been abducted by the enemy or something
    Konan: If it's white but he's been inside all along, it could mean that there is a possibility that the enemy has transformed into him... We can suss that out right away, right?
    Jiraiya: That's right... You did well to understand that, Konan... Unlike Yahiko
    Yahiko: I got that too!!

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    Disana ada sedikit kilas balik dari Konan tapi itu tidak begitu penting.
    Madara mengamankan/mengambil jenazah Nagato dengan jurus Ruang Dan Waktu.
    Kabuto datang ketempat dimana Uchiha Madara menggunakan topeng barunya.
    Trus Kabuto bilang ke Madara: "Jadi kau sudah mendapatkan mata yang bagus?"
    trus Madara bilang: "Mata ini adalah milikku..disinilah aku akan memulainya"

    Zetsu memegang gulungan yang diperoleh dari Kisame.
    Trus Madara bilang: Aku yang akan menangkap Kyubi.

    Madara memegang sesuatu seperti yang digunakan oleh Sennin Rikudo.


    1. Minggu depan kemungkinan besar Naruto libur
    2. Mengenai Status spoiler, klo Fake=Palsu, trus Confirmed=Asli (pasti itu yang bakal keluar nantinya)
    3. Terima Kasih atas dukungannya^^

    Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ketemanmu yang lain lewat facebook
    hitsuke Thanks

    Credits: BmC05XZcP
    Status: Pending

    644 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2010/09/22(水) 16:08:43 ID:BmC05XZcP





    Credits: Ohana
    Status: Fake

    167 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/09 /21(水) 02:15:47 ID:JLiBTnAbQ

    Whoa!! Finally, sasuke's mangekyou is revealed !!!

    Sasuke's sharingan is still the same. Not changing at all.

    Madara: You had surpassed me as a sharingan user. it is a complete mangekyou.

    サスケ:私の憎しみがはるかにあなたよりも大きい値です。私はこの力をナルトと木の葉を粉砕す る。
    Sasuke: my hatred is far greater than you. I will crush naruto and konoha with this power.

    Credits: Kakashi-Sensei
    Status: Fake

    Madara has a monologue next to Nagato. He met Nagato’s parents in iwagakure, but they weren’t Uzumaki
    Madara kidnapped nagato from the Uzumaki clan and maed his parents believe he was their own child

    It says Madara used his sharingan to make Nagato’s parents believe Nagato was their real child

    Eventually Madara takes the Rinnegan and it starts raining again. The room Madara is in has no roof
    The rain is black
    it says nothing about how Nagato recieved the Rinnegan.

    Sasuke is resting when a snake attacks him. Kabuto yaps about having surpassed orochimaru and being better than the Uchiha now. Sasuke unravvels, revealing a single black hawk or something. he then reveals starts unwrapping the bandages covering his eyes, saying Kabuto will fall before the Uchiha like Orochimaru before him. Kabuto claims that wrong, as he not only surpassed Orochimaru, but the Nidaime as well. A black shadow then approaches Kabuto from the darkness, upon which Kabuto says “Sasuke? You!! You upgraded your Sharingan”

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Naruto 511 Spoilers and Summaries

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